

15 minute free consultation.

$150 per 50 minute individual session.

$175 per 50 minute family session.

$175 per 50 minute couple session.

Method of Payment


Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of an appointment requires 24 hours notice or will be subject to the cost of the missed session.


Many extended health care plans cover Psychotherapy, Registered Social Worker, Master of Social Work and Counselling Services. Please check with your insurance provider.

I provide direct billing for many insurance benefit companies. Contact me to inquire about direct billing.

I also provide receipts for you to submit to your insurance company directly.


Counselling services are being offered through telephone, secured video, in person or walk & talk.

“This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need.”

-Kristin Neff